As a user of Telegram, you may be the owner of a particular group. You may want to leave this group and may be concerned about the group getting dissolved because you are no longer the owner.
Telegram allows users to transfer their group ownership to other users. In this article, you are going to learn how to transfer your Telegram group ownership.
How To Transfer Your Telegram Group Ownership
As mentioned above, Telegram allows its users to transfer their group ownership to other users.
You must however note that to transfer your group ownership, you must have first enabled two-factor authentication.
This will facilitate the moving of the group ownership to another user.
It takes seven days after enabling two-factor authentication before you can transfer the Telegram group ownership.
Follow the guide below to transfer your Telegram group ownership.
On the Mobile app
Step 1: Go to the menu of the selected group
Launch the Telegram app on your mobile phone and open the group chats you wish to transfer your ownership.
Tap the group name at the top and tap on the edit button, which is represented by a pencil icon at the top right corner.
Step 2: Transfer group ownership
In the menu, select “Administrator”, tap on “Add admin” and select a user to whom you would like to transfer group ownership.
Select all the options, then scroll to the bottom and tap on “Transfer Group Ownership”.
Step 1: Open Telegram
With a browser of your choice, navigate to Telegram and log in. You can also use the Telegram app for desktops to access your account.
Step 2: Open Group
Open the group in which you would like to transfer ownership. Tap on the three vertical dots at the top right corner.
From the drop-down menu, click on “Manage group”.
Step 3: Add Administrator
Click on “Administrators” and click on “Add administrator” on the next page at the bottom left corner.
From the list of users that appear, choose the administrator you prefer.
Step 4: Select transfer options
To enable the new owner to add new admins, enable the “Add new admins” option under the “What can this admin do” tab.
Step 5: Transfer group ownership
Finally, click on “Transfer group ownership” and click Save at the bottom to complete the process.
If you are leaving a particular group but do not want the group to be dissolved, Telegram allows you to change or transfer your group ownership rights to another administrator in the group, you can do this on both the mobile app and desktop.
FAQs on How To Transfer Your Telegram Group Ownership
How can an owner leave a telegram group without deleting it?
If you do not want the group to be deleted after leaving it, you can consider transferring your group ownership rights to another admin on the group in this way, the group will be sustained.
Further Reading
- Why Is My Phone Number Banned On Telegram? [See Different Reasons]
- How To Recover Your Telegram Account
- How To Disable Filtering On Your Telegram Account
- How To Stop Getting Added To Random Telegram Groups [4 Ways To Do It]
1 Comment
Issue: My phoneline in which i use Telegram it was robbed; and i lost that number.
So now i have a new phone number and i want to tranfer the ownershipp of my group to my other new phone line.
I have the telegram web open with the old number; and i know my 2 step verification code; so how can i transfer the ownership using telegram web?